Nationals Hoodie and T-shirt order

Forms are available at the rink to place orders for t-shirts and hoodies. Below are links to show measurements and design, these will be put up at the rink once they are in a printable format. In the meantime, below are links to the documents, once you have gone to the post, click on preview for the image.

Orders need to be with the club by 28 June in order for these to be sent through to the Federation.

School Holiday Discos

The end of term is creeping up on us so it’s time to start organising the roster to cover our extra discos over the term break. Thank you to those who have already volunteered, we still have plenty of gaps. The holiday discos run from 1pm – 3pm Monday – Friday both weeks and are the same format as our Saturday sessions. These are important fundraisers for the club so your help is appreciated, especially as these holidays our New Zealand Championship is on so a number of our members will be away competing. Please email if you are able to assist.

Welcome Derby!

We would like to welcome Remutaka Roller Derby to the rink. The committee has agreed to hire the rink out to them every second Tuesday from 8:30pm – 10:30pm starting Tuesday 18 June.