Please see the link below for an update on competitions etc for the remainder of the season. Huge apology for the delay in publishing this.
Level 2 Covid 19 Operations Update
Dear Members,
I’m sure you are all aware that at midday on Friday the government is increasing the limits on gatherings to 100 people. In light of this increase the UHRSC Committee have decided to relax the restrictions on training.
As of Midday on Friday the 29th of May all individual training and coaching may be resumed as normal. Please continue to wash and sanitise your hands regularly, maintain safe social distancing and keep filling in the contact register. Please also continue to wipe down surfaces that you have used when you leave the rink.
Group training at this stage (Quartets, Precision and Show groups) will be held at the discretion of each group’s coach. These trainings may look a little different for a while depending on how much contact the coach is comfortable with.
Tuesday Patch Lessons will resume as normal this Tuesday with Patch 1, 2 and 3 starting at 5.30pm and Patch Squad starting at 6.15pm. Unfortunately, due to the high contact required to teach our very beginner skaters we will be unable to resume our Pre-patch beginners group until restrictions are relaxed further.
Saturday Patch lessons will continue.
Coaches, please continue to keep the coaching calendar updated. This is really important to ensure that we keep utilising the rink safely for all.
Lastly, I’d like to send a reminder about the AGM. It will be held at the rink next Tuesday the 2nd of June at 7.00pm. I’m looking forward to seeing you there.
Kind Regards,
Janine Price
UHRSC AGM 2020 – Update
Today (Monday 25 May) the government announced an increase in gathering numbers. However this takes effect from Midday Friday 29 May, this means that at the moment we cannot have more than 10 people for the AGM. Based on this, the committee has decided to move the AGM to next Tuesday 2 June, at 7pm, to allow as many people as possible to attend. Than you for your patience with the changes that we have had to make over a very challenging time. We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday.
This Tuesday the club is holding it’s AGM on Tuesday 26 May at 7pm, we look forward to seeing as many members as possible there. Please remember that there is no skating on the rink during the meeting.
May Newsletter
Please click below to see the latest newsletter.
Operation Process Level 2 Covid 19
UHRSC COVID-19 Operational Processes
Level 2
OCCUPANCY: While we are in level 2 there will be no individual training at the rink. Skaters may only be at the rink if they are under the supervision of an UHRSC Club Coach. The following guidelines will apply:
- Each coach may have a maximum of 10 persons at the rink in their bubble. This includes themselves, other skaters who are having lessons or are training, family and spectators. Please respect any decision that is made by our coaches and if you are asked to leave then please do so.
- Each coaches bubble must remain at least 1 meter from another coaches bubble. It will be up to the coaches at the rink to decide how they will manage the space to ensure that distancing requirements are met.
- ALL coaches will need to ensure that they have completed the calendar for all lessons so that other coaches and skaters can plan their training.
- During Patch Classes, the Patch Class Manager will be responsible for monitoring occupancy rates. Please respect any decision that is made at the time. If you have queries about a decision or about any of these guidelines please contact Megan Hawley (027 663 9292) or Tania Agnew (021 145 9937)
CONTACT TRACING: Everyone who enters the building will need to sign the contact register that is set up at the main desk. You must comply with the following procedure:
- Sanitize your hands with the sanitizer on the desk (or your own hand sanitizer)
- Fill in the register. You MUST include your full name, phone number and the date and time that you entered the building.
- Sanitize your hands again.
- When you leave the building please enter the time that you left into the register making sure to sanitize your hands before and after signing the register.
HYGIENE: We will be doing more cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces at the rink under level 2. The measures that we will be taking and that we will need club members to follow are:
- Bathrooms – If you use the bathroom you must clean the bathroom! There will be spray and wipes available for you to use.
- The main desk, rink rails, leaner desks, forms and chairs will be sprayed with disinfectant spray and wiped with disposable wipes throughout the day. During Patch Class the Patch Class Manager and Patch Class Coach will be responsible for sanitizing surfaces before and after each class. During other times, When a coaches bubble leaves the rink the coach in charge is responsible for cleaning all surfaces that their bubble have come in contact with. We will be removing much of the furniture at the rink to make the task of disinfecting surfaces less arduous.
- Sanitizing spray and disposable wipes will be available on the main desk. Once you have used them please dispose of the wipes in a rubbish bin and return the spray to it’s spot on the desk. If you notice that supplies of spray or wipes are getting low then please contact Liz (021 394 246) or Tania (021 145 9937).
- The Changing rooms and some of the bathroom stalls will be closed for the duration of level 2. This is to help manage the cleaning workload.
- The Kitchen will be open but we are asking all members to please only use it if ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, and please thoroughly wash and dry all utensils, cups etc. that are used. If you use the kitchen you will also need to wipe down every surface that you have come into contact with.
- The Stereo system is only to be used by club coaches. After each use the buttons will need to be sanitized.
SOCIAL DISTANCING: Skaters, coaches and spectators are required to make their best endeavor to maintain a social distance of 2m. To assist with this there will be markings on forms and on the floor along the side of the rink as a visual cue. While skating and training it may be difficult to keep your distance, but please do your best.
We would like to request that skaters only bring one other person (spectator) to the rink with them. This is not the time to bring the whole family down to the rink.
We would also like to encourage parents of Patch Class skaters to wait in their cars while class is on.
PATCH CLASS: We have made the following changes to Patch Classes during level 2:
- Pre Patch and Patch Squad will not be offered during level 2
- Patch 1 will run from 5.30pm to 5.55pm
- Patch 2 will run from 6.00pm to 6.25pm
- Patch 3 will run from 6.30pm to 7.00pm
Saturday Patch Classes on a Saturday will resume at the usual time starting from the 23rd of May.
Level 2 Update
Dear Members,
I hope you are all well and safe and have had fun in your bubbles during lockdown levels 4 and 3.
I’m really excited to let you know that we will be able to open the rink this Friday!
Things are going to be quite different at the rink for a while. I am sending out a list of all the changes we have made for level 2 so that you have a really good idea of what we all have to do, but here is a little run down:
-If you are sick please stay at home.
-When you come to the rink you will need to fill in a contact register that will be at the front desk. Please fill this in with your name, phone number, the time you enter and the time you leave.
-The government have said that for at least the next 2 weeks sports can only resume if players are in groups of 10 or less. To make sure we abide by this our club coaches will be responsible for managing their own bubbles of up to 10. This means that if you want to skate at the rink then you need to contact your coach and arrange your skating times with them. There will be NO INDIVIDUAL TRAINING. When you are at the rink you will need to stick to your coaches bubble. You will not be able to go within 1m of anyone outside that bubble at the rink.
-Patch Classes will start up again as of next week. Parents, please consider staying outside during the class. The Schedule for the Tuesday patch classes has changed slightly. There will be no pre-patch or patch squad groups during level 2. The patches will also be split up in the following ways:
Patch 1 will be from 5.30pm to 5.55pm
Patch 2 will be from 6.00pm to 6.25pm
Patch 3 will be from 6.30pm to 6.55pm
-We’re taking hygiene really seriously. The rink is going to be cleaned more often and each group that uses the rink will need to wipe down surfaces when they leave. If you use the bathroom you will need to clean it. We’re also going to close the changing rooms and remove a lot of the furniture from around the rink to make it easier to clean. There will be hand sanitizer, sanitizing spray and wipes available at the front desk, but please feel free to bring your own hand sanitizer as well. Only the coaches will be able to use the stereo system. This is to make it easier to keep clean.
The government are going to be making lots of changes over the next few weeks so we’ll keep in touch with all of you to let you know how the changes will effect our skating. Hopefully it’s all onwards and upwards from here!
I’m looking forward to seeing you all again soon!
Janine Price
UHRSC Annual General Meeting 2020
Please see the links for information on our club AGM as well as nomination forms for the committee. Anything for the agenda along with nomination forms can be sent to
New Zealand Artistic Championship 2020
The club has been advised of the cancellation of the 2020 New Zealand Artistic Championship scheduled to be held in July. The Board advises there may be competitions scheduled within areas dependent on the situation with Covid-19.
We have also received advise that areas entry fees will be refunded to clubs once banks reopen – we thank you for your patience with this over a very challenging time.
Marking out Loops
With being unable to access the rink, you may have the ability at home to mark out some loops. Please click below for a diagram to help you do this.