Level 2 Update

Dear Members,

I hope you are all well and safe and have had fun in your bubbles during lockdown levels 4 and 3. 

I’m really excited to let you know that we will be able to open the rink this Friday!

Things are going to be quite different at the rink for a while. I am sending out a list of all the changes we have made for level 2 so that you have a really good idea of what we all have to do, but here is a little run down:

-If you are sick please stay at home.

-When you come to the rink you will need to fill in a contact register that will be at the front desk. Please fill this in with your name, phone number, the time you enter and the time you leave.

-The government have said that for at least the next 2 weeks sports can only resume if players are in groups of 10 or less. To make sure we abide by this our club coaches will be responsible for managing their own bubbles of up to 10. This means that if you want to skate at the rink then you need to contact your coach and arrange your skating times with them. There will be NO INDIVIDUAL TRAINING. When you are at the rink you will need to stick to your coaches bubble. You will not be able to go within 1m of anyone outside that bubble at the rink.

-Patch Classes will start up again as of next week. Parents, please consider staying outside during the class. The Schedule for the Tuesday patch classes has changed slightly. There will be no pre-patch or patch squad groups during level 2. The patches will also be split up in the following ways:

            Patch 1 will be from 5.30pm to 5.55pm

            Patch 2 will be from 6.00pm to 6.25pm

            Patch 3 will be from 6.30pm to 6.55pm

-We’re taking hygiene really seriously. The rink is going to be cleaned more often and each group that uses the rink will need to wipe down surfaces when they leave. If you use the bathroom you will need to clean it. We’re also going to close the changing rooms and remove a lot of the furniture from around the rink to make it easier to clean. There will be hand sanitizer, sanitizing spray and wipes available at the front desk, but please feel free to bring your own hand sanitizer as well. Only the coaches will be able to use the stereo system. This is to make it easier to keep clean.

The government are going to be making lots of changes over the next few weeks so we’ll keep in touch with all of you to let you know how the changes will effect our skating. Hopefully it’s all onwards and upwards from here!

I’m looking forward to seeing you all again soon!


Janine Price
